Clint Eastwood and the “Empty Chair” (or rather the Baba© Barstool)
March 13, 2020The history of design (the one less known)

A long journey through the history of Italian design
The 100-year history of Altek Italia Design (in 2020 we celebrated a century of existence) is inevitably intertwined with the broader history of Italian design.
We are not talking about that history of design that you can find in academic publications. We are talking about that history, certainly less known but undoubtedly just as interesting and fascinating that, in a more anonymous way, marked the last century of our country.
Folding kneeler chair and folding deck chair ” Poltrona Delizia”: these are the two most representative elements that, complete with patents filed in 1957, have made their contribution to the design of our country.
These two patents represent only a part of the long and rich history of Altek Italia Design. Through the past century, we have continued to innovate and influence Italian design, leaving an indelible imprint on the industry. Our story is a tribute to the craftsmanship, creativity and passion that have characterized our journey.
As we celebrate our centennial, we look forward to the future with enthusiasm, continuing to push the boundaries of design and create products that combine functionality, beauty and innovation. Our mission remains to contribute significantly to the design landscape, keeping alive the pioneering spirit that has guided us for one hundred years.
The Corporate Museum of Altek Italia Design: From 1920 to Today
The original models are both preserved in Altek Italia Design’s corporate museum, where the company’s history is traced from 1920 to the present day.
From the first wooden chairs, with hand-stuffed seats, of the 1920s-30s, to the first commercial successes of the 1960s, to the innovative shapes of the 1990s. An interesting folding chaise longue prototype made by Ron Arad and the “Baba” stool, designed by Sergio Mian, stand out in the 1990s. The Baba stool became a symbol of the U.S. presidential election campaign in 2012.
To visit the museum you can make an appointment by calling 0445/316500 or come to the office at Via Vegri, 40 in Zanè (Vicenza).